Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Special Issue: March

yes, not even our party cake is safe from shutterbugs.  I have this project for work which I'm taking WAY to seriously.  but it's also seriously fun.  the above was from last night, an on-the-runway (cakewalk?) and then today, Mr. Cake and I spent some more leisurely, quality time together.  In case you are wondering, the kids INSISTED on putting ALL THE CANDLES on and they were Supercheap Candles (that's a brand) so by the time #44 was lit #1 was nearly finished. in case you are wondering: 2x 9"chocolate cake 9" vanilla ice cream layer topped with buttercream frosting....just enough choc frosting on the outside so the ladyfingers would stay put...topped with whipped cream and shaved 85 cacao green and blacks (hand delivered to z). we 'winged it' but I think this beauty deserves a name.

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