Wednesday, August 18, 2010


the boys, enjoying the sights on the Olympic Peninsula

Ah, the glamourous life of international travel.... by now we have photos of the boys like this (in the VWvan), on airplanes big and small, sur le metro a paris, on the tube in london (adds a whole new dimension to 'mind the gap!"), on a dhow in the indian ocean, on the cornishe in senegal, in our own car, and in hotel rooms and flats and houses all over the world. (I’m exaggerating on that last point...but even as i write this they are striking a similar pose.)

We have many stories of children so completely wrecked from jet-lag, long drives, and even longer flights that they are literally sick with exhaustion. It’s amazing they are as cheerful and cooperative on these trips as trips across town. No moment has been too much that a bag of discretely stowed M&Ms could not resolve.

Yeah, Kids!

Bigger yeah for M&Ms!

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