Thursday, December 31, 2009

Before and After, Part III

We've been in our house just over a year now and I think at long last that we have managed to deface walls in every room of the house! What fun! Here are photos of my (and Finn's!) handiwork, for better or worse-- my favorite before and afters from the many painting projects at 23b. (This post is a result of a few too many visits to the Apartment Therapy and Ohdeeddoh websites...)

and my new favorite room in the house...

These are the guest rooms, by the way....but where are the guests??! Come on over!


TimeWellSaved said...

I want to come visit!

TimeWellSaved said...

I just noticed that it is 7:14 AM in Zambia. Happy New Year!!! May you all stay in good health, great spirits and blissful existence.